The CRAFTS Annual Series is published by WHISPERING WIND, the magazine of Indian Crafts & Lore, Native Peoples & their Culture, Journal of The American Indian; Past and Present. The articles appearing in the CRAFTS Annual Issue are selected from the pages of WHISPERING WIND for their timeliness, quality and popularity, and are profusely illustrated with expert step-by-step "how to" color photography, and enhanced with historical photographs. The CRAFTS Annual Series presents Native Peoples’ crafts in a wide range - from Fancy Dancer Headdresses, Clothing, Beadwork, Grass Dance Harness, & Ermine Skin Drops to Bow Case & Quiver Cases, Bustles, Hair Drops, Decorated Bags, Bonnets, Beaded Belt Pouches & Games, preserving and perpetuating the original Arts & Crafts of the Native American Peoples.
Saturday, 16 February 2019 19:56
CRAFTS by Whispering Wind
American Indian CRAFTS: Past & Present
UPD/BIPAD: 0 74470 83069 6
Title: Whispering Wind's CRAFTS
Frequency: Annual
Cover Price: $ 8.00 US & Canada