48 Pages Paper: 60 lb throughout Self Cover Saddle Stitched Size: 8.5" X 11"
A magazine of American Indian Crafts & Lore, Culture, Powwows & History, WHISPERING WIND is a Journal of The American Indian: Past and Present. Each bi-monthly issue features expertly illustrated & photographed articles on how to make those Crafts, as well as reviews on books, music, and videos. Treasured preserved old photographs, as well as articles on Tradition and Material Culture, are showcased; Powwow programs and dates are listed, and much more. WHISPERING WIND is for those interested in the American Indian and in particular the Material Culture of the American Indian, both Past & Present, as the authoritative publication in this category. Published since 1967, WHISPERING WIND has brought the Tradition, Culture, and Civilization of the American Indian to life.