Saturday, 16 February 2019 19:56


The Mountain Bike Journal

UPD/BIPAD:  7 25274 24761 5
Frequency:  Bi-Monthly
Cover Price:  $ 12.95 US / $ 13.95 Canada

108 Pages  Paper: Cover 100 lb, Interior 80 lb  Full Color/Gloss  Perfect Bound  Size: 8.5" x 11"

MOUNTAIN FLYER Magazine showcases the riders, racers, events, and culture of Mountain Cycling. Covering cross-country, downhill, cyclocross, road racing, and adventure riding.  “We’ll Take You There” ...  MOUNTAIN FLYER delivers the excitement through action-packed articles and stunning photography of events & participants in the Mountain Regional Cycling Scene. MOUNTAIN FLYER is a top resource for cyclists, providing in-depth data on advances in cutting-edge gear/equipment, and the businesses and manufacturers who provide it.  MOUNTAIN FLYER brings this Mountain Adventure Sport to life!